27 March 2009

Tag "harga" dari Kak Weeeeeeeeda....

1. If u can have a dream to come true, what would it be?
Weight = 44 kilo..... hehehe..... tinggi mmg xleh tinggi dah....
2. What would u do with a billion dollars?
Travel around the world.
3. How would u see yourself in ten years time?
Mejadi penternak kambing Boer yang berjaya.... hehehe....
4. What's the first thing u do when u wake up?
Clear my nose... p/s-still budak hingusan. hehehe...
5. Name a friend whose name starts with the letter 'F'
Forita Redzuan, Fhibam Jelita, Fue Hanim, Fiti Mariam,
Hehehe.... Jgn marah ye....
6. Why did u answer & post this ?
Meneruskan legasi tag nh agar tidak terkubur.

List 6 people to tag :
The one & only - Rosezita Deduan. Hihihihi.....


weeda said...

bagus dengan cepat anda update..nanti kita main tag2 lain yer hehehe

Unknown said...

fanyak fau funya fhibam jelita, fudus lah jaja....